

Where did life begin?

This age-old question continues to be at the center of a hotly contested debate. While science affirms Creation and agrees with Scripture, only 4 in 10 Americans have a creationist view of human origins.

The Science Dilemma: The Origin of Life is a four-episode dive into asking the tough questions about life. Follow Allan as he hits the streets and explores the scientific and biblical basis behind scientific theories from the Big Bang to Creation.

Episode Guide

Intro Episode

Get Started

After interviewing people on the streets, Allan asks a local scientist and college professor, Dr. Tom Woodward, if there is evidence for intelligent design. Dr. Woodward sends Allan on a journey across the nation to find answers.

Episode 1

Molecular Machines

Dr. Michael Behe explains how molecular machines inside the cell and the concept of “irreducible complexity” points to intelligent design.

Episode 2

Code in the DNA

Dr. Stephen Meyer and Dr. Berkley Gryder explain that our entire body functions off of code in the DNA that is similar to computer code.

Episode 3

The Fossil Record

Dr. Casey Luskin shows how that fossil record does not support gradual evolution, but points to something very different.

Meet the Experts

Intro Episode

Dr. Tom Woodward

Research Professor, President & Founder of the C.S. Lewis Society

Episode 1

Dr. Michael Behe

Professor of Biological Sciences at Lehigh University and Senior Fellow at Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture

Episode 2

Dr. Stephen Meyer

Former Geophysicist and College Professor. Current Director at Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture

Episode 2

Dr. Berkley Gryder

Assistant Professor, Department of Genetics and Genome Sciences, School of Medicine at Case Western Reserve University

Episode 3

Dr. Casey Luskin

Associate Director at Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture. A Geologist and Attorney



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