More than Just a Video Series



Over 90 minutes of interactive challenges, crafts, and conversations, between you and your teens. Digital download available now.

a Scientifically-Epic Experience for Everyone

The Science Dilemma series tackles tough issues and teaches a biblical worldview in a cutting edge, engaging and entertaining format to equip younger generations to defend their faith.

Get started with your FREE Science Dilemma Experience digital download today, or elevate your adventure with the Science Dilemma Experience Kit—filled with everything you need in one captivating, all-inclusive box.

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What is Included?

Your interactive lesson includes FOUR activities and conversation guides based on the topics discussed within the first four episodes of The Science Dilemma series.

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Machines in the Cell

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Code in the DNA

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The Fossil Record


When you download your Science Dilemma Experience or purchase The Science Dilemma Experience Kit, here is what you can expect:

Digital Download

The Science Dilemma Experience


  • 90 Minutes of Self-Guided challenges, creations, and conversations
  • Integrated lessons with interactive links to shortened clips from Season One of The Science Dilemma
  • A list of every home supply necessary to engage in hands-on activities
Physical Box

The Science Dilemma Experience Kit


  • 90 Minutes of Self-Guided challenges, creations, and conversations
  • Integrated lessons with interactive links to shortened clips from Season One of The Science Dilemma
  • Every supply necessary to build from the lessons
  • Every supply necessary to play activities from the lessons
  • Access to all four full-length episodes from Season One of The Science Dilemma

as Seen On


The Science Dilemma Experience & Kit are an extension of The Science Dilemma video series found on Right Now Media.

Uniquely formatted for a generation accustomed to YouTube-style content, The Science Dilemma series tackles tough issues and teaches a biblical worldview in a cutting edge, engaging and entertaining format to equip younger generations to defend their faith.

Why We Believe You Will Love It

  • Strengthened Parent-Teen Bond
  • Increase Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills
  • Provides Values-Based Learning
  • Prepares for Ethical Decision Making
  • Educates Faith and Science Synergy
  • Promotes Effective Communication Skills
  • Inspires Lifelong Learning and Curiosity
  • Broadens Worldview and Cultural Awareness
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Our team is passionate about impacting the worldview of youth today, equipping the next generation to confidently defend their beliefs. Each activity has been specifically designed to engage 12-18 year olds where they are in their foundational understanding of the study of science and faith.

We hope this first-ever science and faith infused kit sparks fun conversations with your teens about science education, life, and God.


Frequently asked Questions

Every activity was created by our educational curriculum team for teens 12-18 and for the fun-loving adults engaging with their teens!

International shipping is temporarily not available, but we are working to make it available in the future.

We are currently working on Season 2 of The Science Dilemma and our next experience kit. Be sure to link up with us online and share your experience with our activities and let us know what you would love to see addressed next in The Science Dilemma.

The Science Dilemma can be used in any educational environment, but is specifically geared toward youth groups, churches, Christian schools and classes, and homeschool families.



Learn more about The Science Dilemma and how it's being used.


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Take a look at our resources and what we have to offer each audience.



Purchase The Science Dilemma and the appropriate workbooks.